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No. 2953-H&M/16M-1/91
Calcutta, the 13th September, 1994


Sub : Conforment of F.H.T.D. to the eligible displaced person allottees of Behala Colony.


The undersigned is directed to refer to the above subject and to say that it has been decided by the Govt. in the R. R. & R. Deptt. that F.H.T.D will be given to the eligible allottees of Behala Colony subject to the Conditions that :-
(1) The allottees are displaced persons

(2) The allottees have paid all the installments being the cost of the flat :

(3) The allottees are ready to produce clearance certificate from the Estate Manager, Govt. of India, Calcutta, mentioning that there is no outstanding dues in the books of the Estate Manager :

(4) The allottees have continued/will continue to be a member of the Behala Tenements Maintenance Housing Co-operative Society Ltd as laid down by the Govt. of India. Ministry of Supply and Rehabilitation (Deptt. of Rehab) in their letter No. 46(4)167-RE (Vol-V) at. 22.5.74. and

(5) The allottees are in effective possession of the concerned flats for which F.H.T.Ds are to be given

2. The undersigned is further directed to enclose herewith 1000 copies of printed deed forms duly approved by the Advocate-on-Record for the State of West Benga with the request to take necessary steps immediately for registration of F.H.T.D. favour of allottees Behala Colony after observing the formalities as mentioned above.


Sd/-P. N. Roy
Joint Secretary


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