The Refugee Rehabilitation Officers' Association is a 44 years’ old Registered Organisation of all categories R R Officers of the Refugee Relief & Rehabilitation Department, Government of West Bengal. Right from the base level Departmental Officers such as Rehabilitation Officers (R.O) to the senior officers like the Deputy Director (Camps & Homes) and Special Officer (Production) are its members. This Association caters to the well being of its members as far as possible and extends its co-operation to the Government in the R. R. & R. Department as & when necessary
and to the society in times of emergencies-within its limited human and financial resource.
Refugees have settled in all districts of West Bengal, excepting Purulia. Accordingly, RR Officers have been in all these District/Sub-Divisional RR Offices. The District Rehabilitation Officers and the Sub-Divisional Relief & Rehabilitation Officers remain in charge of the District and the Sub-Divisional RR Offices, while the Rehabilitation Officers serve in all RR Offices and play the pivotal role in RR work.
Public welfare, social accountability and efficiency of the administration are truly reflected by the duties and functions discharged, responsibilities shouldered and jurisdiction covered by all the RR Officers –right from the initial rank of R.O. to the highest rank of Dy. Director/Spl. Officer(P).
The history of refugee rehabilitation in West Bengal shows how the RR Officers shouldered the burden in different spells, starting from 1948 to 1963 for the settlement of the displaced persons of former East Bengal, from 1964 to 1969 for new migrant families and during 1970-’71-for the last exodus of Bangladeshi evacuees, which became a national issue.
The RR Officers have been all along engaged in ensuring socio-economic welfare/rehabilitation for the refugees within the framework of Government Orders and circulars-issued from time to time. Besides, the RR Officers arrange cultural programme at regular intervals and a Souvenir named “RHITI” is published on this occasion-which shows their cultural attitude simultaneously with their commitment towards rehabilitating the eligible refugees.
Though it is disheartening to mention, we cannot hide that the pay scales of all categories of Officers are not in keeping with the duties and responsibilities shouldered by the RR Officers in spite of submission of all documents in support of our claim for higher pay scales and several deputation-both before the Department and the previous Pay Commissions.
But we are thankful to the 5th State Pay Commission that it has, at last, accepted a major part of our long pending legitimate demands and some positive recommendations towards enhancing promotional scopes have been made.
Many of our Officers have since retired without having ever heard of even such a prospect! However, we are hopeful that Government would kindly accept the reco mendations of the 5th State Pay commission soon and issue necessary orders accordingly.
The influx of refugees from erstwhile East Pakistan due to the partition of the country was a major crisis in Indian History. This influx occurred in a large scale during the period from October 1946 to March 1958 and subsequently from January 1964 to 25th March 1971 with a nomenclature of ‘’ Old Migrant ’’ and ‘’ New Migrant ‘’ respectively.
An estimated figure of such displaced person was 80 lakhs as on 1981 as per R.R.Committee report.
A vat no. of refugee families took shelter in various transit camps and thereafter they were shifted to Camps/Homes under this Department.
At present, about 503 no. of refugees are residing in eight (8) Camps/Homes and they are waiting for permanent rehabilitation.
Thousands acres of land were acquired for the purpose for the rehabilitation of them in rural and urban areas. Financial assistance was also provided for construction of house, purchasing of Homestead Plots, running of small trade. Educational , Medical and training-cum- employment facilities were also provided to these displaced persons.
Beside the estimated refugee families, thousands of refugee families are still living in about 700 left out unapproved squatters’ colonies throughout the West Bengal. These colonies are required to be surveyed and the refugee families residing therein should be taken under the purview of rehabilitation as per the policy of the Govt. of India as well as the State Govt.
The Infrastructure Development for providing the basic civic amenities to the refugee settlers are required to be done for the colonies where no such work is done.
The physical and economic rehabilitation of all refugee families, settled in West Bengal, are the accepted liabilities of the Central Govt. As it is a national problem, it cannot be denied by the Govt. of India.
The refugee families who came to India before 1971 settled in unapproved squatters’ colonies including 998 Gr. Of Colonies, are facing acute difficulties for want of the right & title over there occupied land. In spite of being refugees from East Pakistan they are still living without ownership of their respective land.
Giving rehabilitation is an enormous task beyond the capacity of the State govt. and such crisis can only be solved with the approval and financial assistance from the Govt. of India.
After the laps 66 years of Independence of India, the refugee rehabilitation work in West Bengal should not be delayed anymore and all the pending works should be assessed and completed as early as possible.