The General Secretary,
Refugee Relief & Rehabilitation Officers' Association
Regd. No.- S/80747 of 1995-96
Industry House (3rd. & 4th. Floor)
10, Abanindra Nath Tagore Sarani, Kolkata – 700 017.
Rehabilitation Officer
Sub-Divisional Relief & Rehabilitation Officer
District Rehabilitation Officer , now
posted at
Earnestly willing to become
a member of Refugee Relief & Rehabilitation Officers' Association (RROA) on and from
My particulars are given below for your record and I am also submitting entry fee of Rs. 50/- only with this application and relevant proforma declaration for kind acceptance of the same from your end.
Thanking you,
My particulars:-
Declare as follows:-
(1) I am not a member of any other employees’ organisation at present.
(2) I will remain ever to abide by the rules & regulations of the constitution of our association after acquiring my membership.
(3) I will pay my subscription regularly and any other contribution as a member as stipulated by the RROA.
(4) I will remain to obey the decisions taken by the Executive Body of RROA in any issue.
(5) I shall not be a member of any other organisation of employees during my membership in RROA.
(6) I will submit an intimation at least 3(three) months before withdrawn my membership from RROA after clearing all of my dues related to my membership.
(Signature of the Declarant)