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online membership form

The General Secretary,
Refugee Relief & Rehabilitation Officers' Association
Regd. No.- S/80747 of 1995-96
Industry House (3rd. & 4th. Floor)
10, Abanindra Nath Tagore Sarani, Kolkata – 700 017.
Please upload your image
I, Sri / Smt.
Rehabilitation Officer Sub-Divisional Relief & Rehabilitation Officer District Rehabilitation Officer , now
posted at
Earnestly willing to become
a member of Refugee Relief & Rehabilitation Officers' Association (RROA) on and from
My particulars are given below for your record and I am also submitting entry fee of Rs. 50/- only with this application and relevant proforma declaration for kind acceptance of the same from your end.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
(Sign. of the applicant)
My particulars:-
1. Name
2. Father / Husband's name
3. Permanent Address
4. Present Address
5. Office Address
6. Contact No.
7. E-mail I.D.
8. Date of Birth
9. Date of Joining in the present post
10. Date of Joining in the Service
11. Academic Qualification
12. Proficiency in other field
I, Sri / Smt.
son/daughter/wife of
Posted as
Declare as follows:-
(1) I am not a member of any other employees’ organisation at present.
(2) I will remain ever to abide by the rules & regulations of the constitution of our association after acquiring my membership.
(3) I will pay my subscription regularly and any other contribution as a member as stipulated by the RROA.
(4) I will remain to obey the decisions taken by the Executive Body of RROA in any issue.
(5) I shall not be a member of any other organisation of employees during my membership in RROA.
(6) I will submit an intimation at least 3(three) months before withdrawn my membership from RROA after clearing all of my dues related to my membership.
(Signature of the Declarant)

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An Appeal

Dear Friend,
Please provide us with government order not included in this site & photographs related to this site to make it rich. Please mail a digital / scanned copy to info@rroa.co.in
Secretary RROA

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