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D.O. No. K-14011/12/90-UD-III
New Delhi. dated the February '95


Dear Shri Basu,
You will be happy to know that based on a detailed Note prepared by my Ministry regarding the provision of funds for the Scheme for the provision of basic infrastructural facilities in the displaced person's colonies in West Bengal, the Union Cabinet has recently approved :
(i) the reimbursement of Rs. 2.33 crores to Government of West Bengal towards the excess expenditure incurred in the development of plots under Phase-I and-II of the Scheme;
(ii) revision of the ceiling on the cost of development of providing basic infrastructural facilities in the displaced person's colonies to As 17,777 per plot.
(iii) an outlay of Rs. 78.27 crores for taking up a Plan Scheme with a view to completing the Phase-III; and,
(iv) an allocation of Rs. 18 crores during 1995-96 to take up the development of about 10,000 per plot.

I shall be thankful if you could kindly direct the concerned officials in the State Government to prepare a Project Report outlining the details of development works to be taken up in various displaced person's colonies and establish suitable administrative mechanisms for the successful implementation and monitoring of the Scheme.

With Regards


Shri Jyoti Basu,
Chief Secretary,
Government of West Bengal Calcutta
Yours sincerely,
Sheila Kaul






No.916-Rehab./10 M-1/95
Calcutta, the 20th April, 1995




Government of India has approved an outlay of Rs. 78.27 crores with a view to completing development of remaining 44.025 plots of Urban Colonies of the displaced persons from erstwhile-East Pakistan in this State during the next four years as Phase--III of the Scheme for development of colonies. It has also been approved by the Government of India that during the financial year 1995-96 a sum of As 18.00 crores will be allotted to the State Government to take up the development of about 10,000 plots of


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