Government of India has approved and outlay of Rs. 78.27 crores with view to complete development of remaining 44,025 plots of urban refugee colonies (As per Working Group Report of 1976) in the state during four years under Phase-III commencing from 95-96 (ANNEX-112).
Govt. of India have recently accepted in principle that even for rural colonies as recommended by the Working Group, the cost of development would be borne @ 17,777/- per plot.
4. In addition to this, Rs. 25.66 crores approx has been allotted from 1996-97 to 1999-2000 for development of colonies from the State budget.
The detail report is given below:
Year No. of Colonies developed Amount sanctioned
1996-97 18 Rs. 3, 96, 52796.00
1997-98 3 Rs. 1, 95, 79434.00
1998-99 45 Rs. 9, 99, 70509.00
1999-2000 117 Rs. 9, 73, 67096.00
An amount of Rs.10 crores has been allotted for infrastructure development during the year 2000-2001. There has been a further provision of Rs. 5 crores in the budget of 2000-2001.
5. A Project Implementation committee was set up at the state level which includes a representative of the Ministry of Urban Development. (Resolution No. 916-Rehab/10M-1/95; dt. 20.4.95) (ANNEX-113).
Further, a Monitoring Committee headed by the Chief Secretary was constituted for better implementation of the scheme. (Resolution No. 917-Rehab/10M-1/95; dt. 20.4.95) (ANNEX-106).
6. Government of India are considering to develop 67,112 plots of rural refugee colonies (As per Working Group Report of 1976).
7. A copy (Order No. 833-A/IT-18/92; 7.7.94) of modifications of the powers delegated to the local authorities of the Public Works Department, vide Clause 6 & Clause 16 of the Public Works Rules, 1987 is annexed (ANNEX-114).