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5.  As per decision of the government to remit all types of loans and interest thereof, the mortgaged property along with the title-deed and other related documents are to be released in favour of the mortgagor by a registered reconveyance deed. [Memo No. 4190 (17)-Rehab. 4M-7/87; dt. 11.9.87 (ANNEX-88)]


6.  The Government in R. R. & R. Deptt. evolved a simple procedure in the matter of releasing the mortgaged properties. If the mortgagors/their heirs or successors will feel satisfied with the return of the mortgaged deeds only with an endorsement that the loans advanced to the mortgagor and interest accrued thereon have been fully remitted and the mortgaged property has been released from mortgage. In such cases, formal reconveyance by registration is not necessary. [Memo. No. 1095-Rehab/6M-225/91 (Law); dt. 21.3.92. (ANNEX-90)].


3.  Leasing out of R. R. Land


Whereas the Government in R. R. & R. Department has decided to confer free-hold right and title to displaced persons form erstwhile East Pakistan, the Government in R. R. & R. Department leases out its land in favour of schools, colleges, social & voluntary organisations, medical institutions, clubs etc. for a period, mentioned separately for each category. Generally, the period for lease is 99 years, whereas lease-hold right for shop plot is 9 years. The relevant Government Orders are annexed at 51, 53, 54, 58, 61, 62, 63 & 66.


However, the Government in R. R. & R. Department cannot make direct transfer of land under their administrative control on commercial basis or free of cost to any organisation/ body save and except as laid in Memo No. 55-Rehab. dt. 8.1.98


However, interdepartmental transfer of land will/can be made on relinquishment of land in favour of Land & land Reforms Deptt. for subsequent transfer of the same in favour of the requiring Deptt. [Letter No. 2994 (36)-GE dt. 9.7.96] Annex-22


The Government in R. R. & R. Department was considering for sometime in the past that the existing practice for allotment of R. R. land to schools, colleges, clubs, libraries, hospitals, parks, markets, tanks/ponds, fisheries etc. should be consolidated in the form of a general scheme. Accordingly, Departmental Order No. 55 Rehab RR/O/SQC-Dev-13/93A (Pt-1)   dt. 8/1/98 was issued. (ANNEX-54)


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