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Function of the different Sections of R. R. & R. Deptt. Office administration of R. R. & R. Department is clarified in Order No. 1957 Estt./4M-9/97 dt. 18/25.9.97 R. R. & R. Secretary will be in over all charge of all matters and in his absence on leave, the Joint Secretary shall deal with the matters and place the same to the M.I.C.

Rehabilitation Branch No. II with Budget and Accounts, Law and established branches are under Deputy Secretary/Assistant Secretary. A general guideline for transfer of officers and technical staff has been elucidated in the Executive Instruction contained under No. 2165-Estt./4M-51/85 dt. 29.10.97. Homes and Misc. Branch with permission for sale, transfer on mortgage of plots where the title deeds have been distributed, delegation of power of Sub-Registrar/Spl. Executive Magistrate to the ROs and kgos-I etc., modification or cancellation of deeds are under OSD & ex-officio Deputy Secretary. Regularisation of Squatter’ Colonies, distribution of title deeds, any dispute regarding issue of free hold title deed are with O.S.D.,-DS. Reimbursement of expenditure from Govt. of India and allied matters, verification/reconciliation of expenditure with Accountant General, W. B., Evacuee Relief matters are under the Accounts Officer. All the officers shall also perform such other work as may be entrusted by the Secretary/Joint Secretary.

The R. R. & R. Deptt. has to place before M.I.C. all matters from SI. (i) to (ix) vide Order No. 1956-Estt./4M-9/97 dt. 18/25.9.97 with the framework vide Order No. 1957-Estt./4M-9/97 dt. 18/25.9.97.

R. R. & R. Deptt. deals with all policy matters of R. R. works. Allocation of fund to the Directorate, district/sub-division offices, issue of guidelines/instruction to the Directorate/district/sub-division offices and co-ordination between the district/sub- division offices and the Directorate is made by the R. R. & R. Department.
Inspection of different offices under R. R. & R. Deptt The district and sub-divisional R. R. Offices need to be inspected regularly preferably once or twice a year. A Questionnaire containing questions on general, accounts, departmental and statutory matters is placed herein under (ANNEX-98). The inspection report should be placed before the concerned District Magistrates by the ADMs (RR) in the district headquarters and SDOs in the outlying sub- divisional offices with a copy to the Secretary, R. R. & R. Department.


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