I. Different R. R. Committees
Sl.No. | Subject | Page No. |
1. |
Recognition of Colony Committees: Constitution and Functions of recognised Colony Committees. No. 160(143)/RC (Dev). Dt. 01.03.89 |
251 |
2. |
Formation of D. I. C. and S. D. I. C. No. 65(16)-Rehab/7L-10/83 (Supp. Vol.I) Dt. 18.06.87 |
252 |
3. |
Functioning of D. I. C. and S. D. I. C. No. 13-28-Rehab/18R-5197 Dt. 26.05.97 |
253 |
4. |
Constitution of State Level Monitoring Committee. No. 2826-Rehab/4M-8/87 Dt. 28.07.87 |
254 |
5. |
Project Implementation committee for colony development Resolution No. 916-Rehab/10M-1/95 Dt. 20.04.95 |
302 |
6. |
Constitution of Monitoring Committee for better implementation of the Phase-III scheme. No. 917-Rehab/10M-1/95 Dt. 20.04.95 |
255 |
7. |
Constitution of Advisory Committee. No. 248(13)-Rehab/S-1787(RR)/96 |
256 |
8. |
Modification of the resolution for constitution of Advisory Committee. No. 923-Rehab/3M-1/98(pt-1) Dt. 24.03.99 |
257 |
9. |
Constitution of Panchannagram Allotment Committee. No. 30006-Rehab Dt. 03.08.87 |
257 |