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Sl.No. Subject Page No.
20. Transfer of land after execution/Registration of lease deed
to plot holders of different R. R. Scheme
No. 4625-Rehab/18-7/81 (pt) Dt. 1.1.86
21. Conferment of freehold title deed in urban D.P. Colonies.
No. 3959-Rehab Dt. 10.11.86
22. Exemption of stamp duty and registration fee in connection
with rehabilitation of displaced persons.
No. 2826(68)-Rehab-1/188 21/81 Dt. 10.5.84
23. Conferment of right and title on displaced persons over
lands in G.S. and approved Squatters’ Colonies
No. 7486(17)-Rehab. Dt. 17.9.74
24. Conferment of right and title on displaced person over
lands in G.S. and approved Squatters’ Colonies
No. 28(4)/78 Dt. 17.5.74
25. Guidelines for Cancellation/Rectification of Title Deeds
No. 1700 (25)-Rehab Dt. 18.7.2000
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