Name of the District :
1. Serial No.
2. Name of the Colony.
3. Total No. of Refugee Families.
4. Whether more than 80% of families are refugees.
5. Area.
6. Whether the entire area is Khas/Vested.
7. Approx. Date of Establishment of the Colony.
8. Reason for non-inclusion in the 998 Group.
1. Certified that the list is exclusive and final and is approved by the DIC and District UCRC.
2. Certified that more than 80% of the families are refugees migrating to India before 25th March, 1971.
3. Certified that the entire land belongs to that State Government and no private or central land or land belonging to Statutory bodies have been included in the colony.
4. Certified that no agricultural land or HS plots of more than 5 Kathas (2 Katha in case of urban area) have been taken into account.
1. Serial No.
2. Name of the Colony.
3. Total No. of Refugee Families.
4. Whether more than 80% of families are refugees.
5. Area.
6. Whether the entire area is Khas/Vested.
7. Approx. Date of Establishment of the Colony.
8. Reason for non-inclusion in the 998 Group.
1. Certified that the list is exclusive and final and is approved by the DIC and District UCRC.
2. Certified that more than 80% of the families are refugees migrating to India before 25th March, 1971.
3. Certified that the entire land belongs to that State Government and no private or central land or land belonging to Statutory bodies have been included in the colony.
4. Certified that no agricultural land or HS plots of more than 5 Kathas (2 Katha in case of urban area) have been taken into account.
Signature of ADM (RR) / O.C.(RR)/DRO.