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Government of West Bengal
Refugee Relief & Rehabilitation Department
Writers’ Building, Kolkata – 700001


No. 782(19)-Rehab-I 3M-1/2007
Date : Kolkata, the 7th June,


From : The Joint Secretary to the Govt. of W.B.

To : The District Magistrate,
P.O. ________________________________
Dist. ________________________________


The undersigned is directed to state that clarifications regarding quantum of land to be granted in favour of the eligible refugee families in different groups of colonies are being sought for by the R.R. & R. Directorate and district authorities in many cases. It is also stated that the quantum of land for which free hold title deeds are being issued to the refugee settlers in different colonies by the concerned authorities in accordance with the provisions contained in Government Orders issued by the Department from time to time varies widely ranging from 10 Katha to 1.5 Katha per d.p. famil according to the status, (G.S. or Squatters’ colony) location i.e. urban or rural and availability of land within that colony. Thus the issuing authorities have been facing much difficulties to implement those decisions in terms G.O.s i) 1240(17) Rehab dated 20.04.1987 ii) 55 Rehab dated 08.01.1998.

The Government for some time past has been considering to formulate an uniform guideline to be followed in the matter on conferment of right and title over the land either allotted to or under occupation of the refugee families in the approved colonies.

After careful consideration of the matter the Governor has been pleased to decide that henceforth F.H.T.D. will be issued in favour of a d.p. family only in respect of the land allotted to by the Department or under their occupation as mentioned in the LOP’s of the concerned colonies, prepared by the competent authority.

This order is issued on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee and will take immediate effect.

All previous orders to determine quantum of land for issue of F.H.T.D.’s shall stand modified to the extent as above and other provision shall remain in force.


Joint Secretary


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