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No.  :  1479/1(10)-Esst
Dated, Kolkata the 14th August, 2012.


Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to :-
1) The Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal, Treasury Buildings, Kolkata – 1.

2) The Pay & Accounts Officer, Kolkata Pay & Accounts Office, 81/2/2 Phears Lane, Kol-12.

3) The Deputy R.R. Commissioner, West Bengal, R.R. & R. Dte., 10 Camac Street, Kol – 17.

4) The Director (Supply & Accounts), R.R. & R. Dte., 10 Camac Street, Kol – 17.

5) The District Magistrate,...................................., P.O....................................., Dist. ............................... with the
request to release Shri/Smt. ............................................... Rehabilitation Officer immediately.

6) The Sub-Divisional Officer, ....................................., P.O......................................, Dist. ........................... with
the request to release Shri/Smt............................................, Rehabilitation Officer immediately.

7) The Treasury Officer, ............................................., P.O. ................................., Dist. ............................... with
the request to release Shri/Smt. ……………………………, Rehabilitation Officer immediately.

8) Shri/Smt. ...........................................................................................................................................................

9) Estt Branch .......................................................................................................................................................

10) Spare Copy ....................................................................................................................................................


Assistant Secretary

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