The Collectors and 1st Land Acquisition Collector, Calcutta were requested to prepare estimate of land value for acquisition of land under the Act-II of 1948 vide Memo No. 1535(20)-Rehab/6L-9/87, dt. 16th May, 1987. (ANNEX-14)
(c) The said Act i.e. West Bengal Land (Requisition and Acquisition) Act, 1948 has been repealed on 31.3.97. Henceforth all the pending LA cases will be governed by Act I of 1894.
(iv) Land Transfer:
Some squatters’ colonies are found to be suited either on Khas/vested land or State Government departmental Land (e.g. Irrigation, PWD etc.). Some are located on Central Government land (e.g. Railways, Defence, and Civil Aviation etc.). Before regularisation of these colonies and distribution of title deeds, lands of these colonies are to be transferred in favour of R. R. & R. Department.
(1) After identification of colony land and verification with record of right, formal proposals with necessary site plans and other relevant land schedules are to be sent by R. R. & R. Department to the different owning departments for transfer of the land in favour of R. R. & R. Department for the purpose of CONRIT survey and conferment of title deeds to refugees. (G.O. No. 4032-Rehab; dt. 19.9.1989 and 226-L.R; dt. 7.3.91) (ANNEX-15 and 17)
(2) It has been decided that pattas, conferred by L & LR Department, would be annulled where the conditions laid down in the pattas have been violated. On such annulment the pattaland will stand resumed to Government. The R. R. & R. Department will issue free-hold title deeds after observing necessary formalities (Memorandum No. 330-L. Ref. dt. 8.6.89 from L. & L.R. Department and Notification 22-L. Ref., 17.1.89) (ANNEX 35 and 36)
(3) Government in L. & L. R. Department has decided that “permissive possession” of khas/vested land would be given to the R. R. & R. Department by the DLLRO concerned pending completion of formalities of transfer. (Letter No. 4961(18)-LA (II) dt. 22.12.87 and 297(54)-LA (II); dt. 18.1.1988 (ANNEX-18 and 19)
(4) It has been decided that R. R. & R. Deptt. may give free hold title deed in favour of eligible refugee families in respect of the lands which have been settled with them under section 49(1) of the West Bengal L. R. Act with delivery of Pattas, without the lands being formally transferred from Land Reforms Department (Notification No. 22-L. Ref., 17.1.89).
(5) Amendment of Records or Right:
(a) All land thus acquired by R. R. & R. Department (private land) and transferred in favour of R. R. & R. Department (State Govt. /Central Govt. land) should be recorded in favour of the Government in Refugee, Relief and Rehabilitation Department.
(b) After the concerned land is transferred in favour of R. R. & R. Department free-hold title deeds are conferred to eligible refugee families after observing necessary formalities. Now each homestead and agricultural plot with C.S. / R.S. plot No. mouza, J. L. No., name of colony should be recorded in favour of concerned free-hold title deed holder. The Records of Right may be updated by the concerned B.L.L.R.O.